حكام مصر من 7الاف عام وحتى الأن

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حكام مصر من 7الاف عام وحتى الأن

حكام مصر:-

  • جدول حكام مصر :

  • جدول حكام مصر بيشمل فراعنة و ملوك و سلاطين و رؤساء مصر بس. الولاه و الحكام اللى اداروا فى فترات الاحتلال مش فى الجدول. الملكات البطلميات مذكورين بس فى حالة اذا كان حكمهم منفرد مش كمشاركين مع الملوك جوازهم. فى حالة حكم الملك أكتر من مره او فى حالة المشاركه فى الحكم الترقيم مذكور مره واحده بس. الفراعنه اللى مش معروفه اساميهم بالظبط مش متضافين للجدول.
ترتيبإسم الحاكممدة حكمه .ميلادية.نوع الحكمالدولهأهم الأحداث . ملحوظات
1مينا (نارمر ؟؟)ح. 3100 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيقاول ملك مصرى معروف / وحد القطرين
2حور عحاح. 3050 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيقتانى ملوك الاسره الأولى
3دجرح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
4جتح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
5ديمونح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
6عدج ايبح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
7سنموح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
8قاع (قع)ح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيقاخر ملوك الاسره الأولى
9حبت سخموىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيقاول ملوك الاسره التانيه
10نب رعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
11نى نترح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
12اونجح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
13سندىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
14بر ايب سنح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
15خع سخمح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
16خع سخموىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيق-
17دجا دجاح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-العصر العتيقاخر ملوك الاسره التانيه
18زوسرح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهاول ملوك الاسره التالته
19سانختح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
20خع باح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
21نفركاح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
22حونىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهاخر ملوك الاسره التالته
23سنفروح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهاول ملوك الاسره الرابعه
24خوفوح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهبانى الهرم الاكبر
25جددف رعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
26خفرعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهبانى هرم خفرع
27منكاورعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهبانى هرم منكاورع
28شيبسيسكافح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
29خنت كاوسح. ق.مالملكهفرعونيه-دوله قديمهاخر ملوك الاسره الرابعه
30اوسركافح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهاول ملوك الاسره الخامسه
31ساحورعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
32نفر اير كارعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
33شبسكارعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
34نفر اف رعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
35نى اوسر رعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
36منكاو حورح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
37جد كارعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
38اسيسح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
39اوناس ( ونيس )ح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهاخر ملوك الاسره الخامسه / ليه هرم
40تيتىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهاول ملوك الاسره الساته
41اوسر كارعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
42بيبى الاولح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
43مرى ان رعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمه-
44ابيبى التانىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله قديمهاخر ملوك الاسره الساته
XXعصر الانتقال الاولح. 2280 - 2134 ق.مالملكفرعونيهملوك مش معروفين
-نفر كارعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيهالاسره التامنه
-كارع انىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيهالاسره التامنه
-نفر ار كارعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيهالاسره التامنه
-أختوى الاولح. ق.مالملكفرعونيهالاسره التاسعه
-أختوى الرابعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيهالاسره العاشره
-مرى كارعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيهالاسره العاشره
-أختوى الخامسح. ق.مالملكفرعونيهالاسره العاشره
-انتف الاولح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطىاول ملوك الاسره الحداشر
-انتف التانىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-انتف التالتح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-منتحوتب الاولح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-منتحوتب التالتح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-منتحوتب الرابعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-منتحوتب الخامسح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطىاخر ملوك الاسره الحداشر
-امنمحات الاولح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطىاول ملوك الاسره الاتناشر
-سنوسرت الاولح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-امنمحات التانىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-سنوسرت التانىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-سنوسرت التالتح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-امنمحات التالتح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-امنمحات الرابعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطى-
-سبك نفرو رعح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-دوله وسطىاخر ملوك الاسره الاتناشر
XXعصر الانتقال التانىح. 1785 - 1580 ق.مXXXXالهكسوس
-تاعاح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-عصر انتقالىاسره 17- محاربة الهكسوس
-تاعا الأكبرح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-عصر انتقالياسره 17-محاربة الهكسوس
-سقنن رع1571 - 1549 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-عصر انتقالياسره17- حرب ضد الهكسوس
-كاموس1545 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-عصر انتقالىاسره 17-حرب ضد الهكسوس
-أحموس الاول1550 - 1525 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-الدوله الحديثهاسره 18- طرد الهكسوس
-أمنحوتب الاول1525 -1504 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-تحوتمس الاول1525 -1512 ق.مالملكفرعونيهتوسيع الحدود
-تحوتمس التانى1512 -1504 ق.مالملكفرعونيهحملة النوبه
-حتشبسوت1504 -1482 ق.مالملكهفرعونيهالدير البحرى
-تحوتمس التالت1504 -1450 ق.مالملكفرعونيهامبراطورية مصر
-أمنحوتب التانى1427 -1401 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-تحوتمس الرابع1525 -1417 ق.مالملكفرعونيهحملات عسكريه
-امينوحوتب التالت1391 -1395 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-اخناتون1353 -1334 ق.مالملكفرعونيهعبادة اتون
-سمنخ كارعح. 1334/1333 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-توت عنخ امونح. 1334 -1325 ق.مالملكفرعونيهنهاية عبادة اتون
-خبر خبرو رع آىح. 1325 -1320 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-حورمحب1338 -1308 ق.مالملكفرعونيهاخر فراعنة الاسره 18
-رمسيس الاول1292 -1294 ق.مالملكفرعونيهمؤسس الاسره 19
-رمسيس الاول1294 -1279 ق.مالملكفرعونيهتقوية سلطة مصر فى فلسطين والشام
-رمسيس التانى1279 -1213 ق.مالملكفرعونيهمعركة قادش
-مرنبتاحح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-امون مسح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-مون بتاح سبتاحح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-سيتى التانىح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-رمسيس سبتاحح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-ستغ نختح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-رمسيس العاشرح. ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-رمسيس الحداشرح. ق.مالملكفرعونيهاخر فراعنة الاسره 19
-رمسيس التالت1292 -1160 ق.مالملكفرعونيهاسره 20- انتصر على شعوب البحر وقبايل ليبيه
-رمسيس الرابعق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-رمسيس الخامسق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-رمسيس الساتتق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-رمسيس السابعق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-رمسيس التامنق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-رمسيس التاسعق.مالملكفرعونيهاخر ملوك الاسره العشرين
XXعصر الانتقال التالتح. 1085 - 332 ق.مXXXXالعصر المتأخر
-سندسق.مالملكفرعونيهاول ملوك الاسره واحد و عشرين.
-بسيب خنو الاولق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-باى نزم الاولق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-امنم اوبتق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-بسيب خنو التانىق.مالملكفرعونيهاخر ملوك الاسره واحد و عشرين
-شيشنق الاولق.مالملكفرعونيهاول الاسره اتنين و عشرين - ماشوش
-اوسركون الاولق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-ناكلوت الاولق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-اوسركون التانىق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-شيشنق التانىق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-ناكلوت التانىق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-شيشنق التالتق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-شيشنق الرابعق.مالملكفرعونيهاخر ملوك الاسره اتنين و عشرين
-ادى باستق.مالملكفرعونيهاول الاسره تلاته و عشرين
-شيشنق الخامسق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-اوسركون التالتق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-ناكلوت التالتق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-اوسركون الرابعق.مالملكفرعونيهاخر ملوك الاسره تلاته و عشرين
-شبس رعق.مالملكفرعونيهاول ملوك الاسره اربعه و عشرين
-بوكريسق.مالملكفرعونيهاخر الاسره اربعه و عشرين
-بعنخىق.مالملكنوبىاول ملوك الاسره خمسه و عشرين
-باكارعق.مالملكنوبىاخر ملوك الاسره الخمسه و عشرين
-بسماتيك الاولق.مالملكفرعونيهاول ملوك الاسره السته و عشرين
-نكا التانىق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-بسماتيك التانىق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-اح ايب رعق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-أحموس سانيتق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-بسماتيك التالت526 - 525 ق.مالملكفرعونيه-
-XXفرس525 - 404 ق.مXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXاحتلال فارسى اسره27 XX
-ميرتى404 - 398ق.مالملكفرعونيهاسره 28-انتزع الحكم من الفرس
-نايف عاو رودق.مالملكفرعونيهاول الاسره التسعه و عشرين
-نايف عاو رود التانىق.مالملكفرعونيهاخر الاسره 29
-نخت أنبو الاول(نكتنابو)380 - 362 ق.مالملكفرعونيهاول الاسره تلاتين
-جدجر362 - 360 ق.مالملكفرعونيهغزو الشام
-نخت أنبو التانى (نكتنابو)360 - 341 ق.مالملكفرعونيهاخر الاسره 30 بيعتبر اخر فراعنة مصر
-XXاحتلال فارسى341 - 332 ق.مXXXXاسره 31XXXX
-اسكندر الأكبر332 - 323 ق.مملكاتفرعنطرد الفرس
-XXحكم مقدونى323 - 305 ق.محاكم XXXXحاكم XXXXتابعه لإمبراطورية اسكندر الأكبر XXXX
349بطليموس 1 سوتر305 -285 ق.مالملكبطلميهبداية الدوله البطلميه (مصر مستقله)
350بطليموس 2 فيلادلفيوس285 -246 ق.مالملكبطلميهالحرب السوريه
351بطليموس 3 يورجيتس246 -221 ق.مالملكبطلميهتوسيع الحدود
352بطليموس 4 فيلوباتور221 - 203 ق.مالملكبطلميهمعركة رفح
353بطليموس 5 ابيفانس203 - 180 ق.مالملكبطلميهتمرد داخلى
354بطليموس 6 فيلوميتور180 - 145 ق.مالملكبطلميههجوم انتيوخوس
355بطليموس نيوس فيلوباتور145 - 145 ق.مالملكبطلميههجوم يورجيتيس
356بطليموس 8 يورجيتس 2145 - 116 ق.مالملكبطلميهالحرب السوريه
357بطليموس 9 سوتر 2116 - 107 ق.مالملكبطلميهصراعات اليهود
358بطليموس 10 اليكساندر107 - 89 ق.مالملكبطلميهصراع شيلكياس
359بطليموس 9 سوتر 289 - 81 ق.مالملكبطلميهصراع فلسطين
360برينيكى التالته81 - 81 ق.مالملكهبطلميهبتتسمى كمان كليوباترا برينيكى
361بطليموس 11 الكسندر 281 - 81 ق.مالملكبطلميهقتل برينيكى التالته
362بطليموس 12 اوليتيس80 - 58 ق.مالملكبطلميهضياع قبرص
363برينيكى الرابعه58 - 55 ق.مالملكهبطلميهأخت كليوباترا السابعه
364بطليموس 12 اوليتيس55 - 51 ق.مالملكبطلميه-
365بطليموس 1351 - 47 ق.مالملكبطلميهالحرب السكندريه
366بطليموس 1447 - 44 ق.مالملكبطلميهقتل ى. قيصر
367كليوباترا السابعه51 - 30 ق.مالملكهبطلميهاحتلال رومانى
368بطليموس 15 قيصرون44 - 30 ق.مالملكبطلميهنهاية البطالمه
-XXرومان / بيزنطيين30 ق.م -641 موالى XXXXXرومان XXXXXXغزو رومانى - مصر مش مستقله XXXX
-XXعرب / خلافه641 - 868 موالى عرب غزو عربى - مصر مش مستقله 
369احمد بن طولون868 - 884 ماميرطولونيهتأسيس الدوله الطولونيه / بنا القطائع
370خمارويه884 - 896 ماميرطولونيهتوسيع الدوله الطولونيه
371ابو العساكر جيش896 - 896 ماميرطولونيه-
372ابو موسى هرون896 - 904 ماميرطولونيه-
373ابو المناقب شيبان904 - 905 ماميرطولونيهنهاية الطولونيين
- XXخلافه عباسيه905 - 935 موالى XXXXعباسيين XXXXمصر مش مستقلهXXXX
374محمد بن طخج الإخشيد935 - 946 ماميراخشيديهتأسيس الدوله الإخشيديه
375ابو القاسم انجور946 - 961 ماميراخشيديه-
376ابو الحسن على961 - 966 ماميراخشيديه-
377ابو المسك كافور966 - 968 ماميراخشيديه-
378ابو الفوارس احمد968- 969 ماميراخشيديهنهاية الإخشيديين
379جوهر الصقلى969 -973 ماميرفاطميينبنا القاهره
380المعز لدين الله973 - 975 مخليفهفاطميه-
381العزيز لدين الله975 - 977 مخليفهفاطميه-
382الحاكم بأمر الله997 - 1021 مخليفهفاطميهصراعات
383الظاهر بالله1021 - 1036 مخليفهفاطميه-
384المستنصر بالله1036 - 1094 مخليفهفاطميه-
385المستعلى بالله1094 - 1102 مخليفهفاطميهبداية الحروب الصليبيه
386الامر يأحكام الله1102 - 1131 مخليفهفاطميه-
387الحافظ لدين الله1131 - 1150 مخليفهفاطميه-
388الظافر بأمر الله1150 - 1154 مخليفهفاطميه-
389الفائز بنصر الله1154 - 1160 مخليفهفاطميه-
390العاضد لدین‌ الله1160 - 1171 مخليفهفاطميهنهاية الفاطميين
391صلاح الدين الايوبى1174 -1193 مسلطانايوبيهاسترجاع القدس
392عماد الدين عثمان1193 -1198 مسلطانايوبيه-
393ناصر الدين محمد1198 -1200 مسلطانايوبيه-
394الملك العادل1200 -1218 مسلطانايوبيهحمله صليبيه 5
395الكامل محمد1218 -1238 مسلطانايوبيهحمله صليبيه 6
396العادل سيف الدين1238 -1240 مسلطانايوبيه-
397نجم الدين ايوب1240 -1249 مسلطانايوبيهحمله صليبيه 7
مكررشجر الدر1249 -1250 ممدبرهايوبيهمعركة المنصوره
398توران شاه1250 -1250 مسلطانايوبيهاسر لويس 9
399شجر الدر1250 -1250 مسلطانهمملوكيه بحريهبداية الدوله المملوكيه
400عز الدين أيبك1250 -1257 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهتمرد العربان
400الاشرف موسى1250 -1252 مسلطانايوبيهملك طفل ايوبى مشارك لأيبك
401نور الدين على1257 -1259 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهسقوط بغداد
402سيف الدين قطز1259 -1260 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهعين جالوت
403الظاهر بيبرس1260 -1277 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهاحداث كتيره
404السعيد بركه قان1277 -1279 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهحمله على كليكيا
405بدر الدين سلامش1279 -1279 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريه-
406سيف الدين قلاوون1279 -1290 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهفتح طرابلس
407صلاح الدين خليل1290 -1293 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهفتح عكا
408الناصر محمد بن قلاوون1293 -1294 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهاغتيال الشجاعى
409زين الدين كتبغا1294 -1296 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهوصول الأويراتيه
410حسام الدين لاچين1296 -1298 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهالروك الحسامى
مكررالناصر محمد بن قلاوون1298 -1308 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهمعركة مرج الصفر
411بيبرس الچاشنكير1308 -1309 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهرجوع الناصر
مكررالناصر محمد بن قلاوون1309 -1340 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهازدهار حضارى
412سيف الدين ابو بكر1340 -1341 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهصراعات قوصون
413علاء الدين كچك1341 -1342 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهسقوط قوصون
414شهاب الدين احمد1342 -1342 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهتمرد الامرا
415عماد الدين اسماعيل1342 -1345 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهصراع مع شهاب
416سيف الدين شعبان1345 -1346 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهتمرد الامرا
417سيف الدين حاجى1346 -1347 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهتمرد الامرا
418ناصر الدين حسن1347 -1351 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهمحاربة العربان
419صلاح الدين صالح1351 -1354 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهضرب العربان
مكررناصر الدين حسن1354 -1361 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهجامع السلطان حسن
420صلاح الدين محمد1361 -1363 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهتدهور الاوضاع
421ناصر الدين شعبان1363 -1376 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهوقعة اسكندريه
422علاء الدين على1376 -1381 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريه
423صلاح الدين حاجى1381 -1382 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهتمرد برقوق
424سيف الدين برقوق1382 -1388 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيهمؤسس الدوله المملوكيه البرجيه
مكررصلاح الدين حاجى1388 -1389 مسلطانمملوكيه بحريهنهاية دولة المماليك البحريه
مكررسيف الدين برقوق1389 -1398 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيهظهور تيمورلنك
425زين الدين فرج1398 -1405 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
426عز الدين عبد العزيز1405 -1406 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
427زين الدين فرج1406 -1412 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
-428المستعين بالله العباس1412 -1412 مسلطانخليفه عباسى قاهرىكان خليفه وسلطان فى نفس الوقت
429المؤيد شيخ1412 -1421 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيهتمرد الشام / اصلاحات اقتصاديه
430شهاب الدين ابو السعادات1421 -1421 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيهأصغر سلطان قعد على عرش مصر
431الظاهر ططر1421 -1421 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
432الصالح ناصر الدين محمد1421 -1422 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
433سيف الدين برسباى1422 -1438 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيهغزوة قبرص
434جمال الدين يوسف1438 -1438 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
435ابو سعيد جقمق1438 -1453 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
436فخر الدين عثمان1453 -1453 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
437سيف الدين اينال1453 -1461 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
438ابو الفتح احمد1461 -1461 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه
439سيف الدين خشقدم1460 -1467 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
440ابو نصر بلباى1467 -1467 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
441الظاهر تمربغا1467 -1468 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
442سيف الدين قايتباى1468 -1496 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
443الناصر ابو السعادات1496 -1497 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه
444قانصوه خمسمئه1497 -1497 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
مكررالناصر ابو السعادات1497 -1498 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه
445ابو سعيد قانصوه1498 -1500 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
446جان بلاط1500 - 1501 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
447العادل طومان باى1501 - 1501 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيه-
448قانصوه الغورى1501 - 1516 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيهمعركة مرج دابق
449الأشرف طومان باى1516 - 1517 مسلطانمملوكيه برجيهمعركة الريدانيه - احتلال عثمانى
-XXفترة إحتلال عثمانى1517 -1768 موالى XXXXعثمانليه XXXXXXXXمصر مش مستقلهXX
448على بك الكبير1768 - 1775 مسلطانمماليك عثمانليهفتح بلاد العرب و الشام
-XXفترة إحتلال عثمانى1775 -1805 موالى XXXXعثمانليه XXXXXXXXمصر مش مستقلهXX
450محمد على باشا1805 -1848 موالىعلويهفتح الشام
451ابراهيم باشا1848 - 1848 موالىعلويهفرمان 1831
452عباس حلمى الاول1848 - 1854 موالىعلويهالسكه الجديد
453محمد سعيد1854 - 1864 موالىعلويه
454اسماعيل باشا1863 - 1879 مخديوىعلويهقناة السويس
455محمد توفيق1879 - 1892 مخديوىعلويهاحتلال انجليزى
456عباس حلمى التانى1892 - 1914 مخديوىعلويهحادثة دنشواى
457حسين كامل1914 - 1917 مسلطانعلويهنهاية العثمانليه
458فؤاد الاول1917 - 1936 مسلطان / ملكعلويهثورة 1919
459فاروق الاول1936 - 1952 مملكعلويهثورة 23 يوليه
460احمد فؤاد التانى1952 - 1953 مملكعلويهنهاية الملكيه
461محمد نجيب1953 - 1953مرئيسجمهوريهاعلان الجمهوريه
462جمال عبد الناصر1953 - 1970 مرئيسجمهوريهاحتلال سينا
463محمد انور السادات1970 - 1981 مرئيسجمهوريهحرب 73
464محمد حسنى مبارك1981 - 2011رئيسجمهوريهمشروعات ضخمه - ثوره شعبيه
465خونتا عسكريه2011 - 2012عسكرحكم عسكرىمسكت الحكم بعد ثوره
466محمد محمد مرسى2012 - 2013رئيسالإخوان المسلميندوله دينيه اسسها الإخوان المسلمين
467عدلى منصور2013 - لدلوقتىرئيسفتره انتقاليه

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Mentuhotep II

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Mentuhotep II

Knapp endowed Ra Mentuhotep II (reigned c 2061 BC 2010 - BC) was a pharaoh of the 11th dynasty, who ruled for 51 years. About his year on the throne, the 39 united Egypt is thus Anhaouafattrh first argument. As a result, he is considered the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom.


Silsileh rock relief depicting a giant king Mentuhotep II, on the right Intef III and the treasurer Khetiand, on the left, queen Iah.
Mentuhotep II was the son of the third wife Intef Intef third for owners of investment, which may also be his sister's accounts. Nowhere is this lineage by the witness of Henenu (Cairo 36 346), an official who served under Intef second, third Intef with a son, and that determines a witness as Horus nights ankh- [IB-t3wy], the first Mentuhotep II Horus name. As for the owners of investment accounts, bore the title of MWT-nswt, "or king." Ratios of the second Mentuhotep indirectly also confirmed by the relief in the Shatt al Aah- Rigal. Mentuhotep II had many wives who were buried with him in or near the mortuary temple:

Tim (TM), which may be a second wife Mentuhotep because they carry Hmt- nswt addresses "the wife of King", Hmt- nswt mryt.f "King wife, sweetheart" and WRT-HTS-nbwi "one of the great hetes- mace of the House of Lords two. " Gave Mentuhotep II two children, one of which was certainly Mentuhotep third since he was called Tim also MWT-nswt "," or King "and MWT-nswt-bitj," or dual King's. "It seems that she died after her husband and buried her son in Mentuhotep temple. It was her tomb was discovered in 1859 by Lord Duffering and excavated in 1968 by Arnold.
Neferu second ( "Beautiful") opened a "wife of King" and -hmt nswt-mryt.f ", the wife of King, his beloved." She was probably the sister of Mentuhotep II since she bore also s3t-nswt-smswt n kht.f "addresses the greatest king's daughter of his body", irjt-p3t, "hereditary princess" and hmwt-nbwt, "the mistress of all women."
  • Sarcophagus of Kawit, 1907 photography by E. Naville
TT319 is buried in the cemetery of Deir el-Bahari.

Kawit (k3wj.t was) one of the secondary wives of Mentuhotep II. I bore mryt.f- Himmat nswt "addresses the King's wife, sweetheart" and khkrt-nswt "Beauty King". She said it was a "priestess of the goddess Hathor." It was a Nubian has been suggested. And buried under presided over the funeral Mentuhotep II temple where E. Naville coffin revealed in 1907.
Sadeh, Ashayet, Henhenet and Kemsit was secondary wives in all the second Mentuhotep. They carry the title Hmt- nswt mryt.f "King's wife, sweetheart" and khkrt-nswt-w3tit "unique decoration of the king." The priestesses of Hathor and buried them all in a single hole drilled under Mentuhotep II presided over the temple. Note that an alternative theory believes that the Henhenet was one of the secondary wives Intef third, and perhaps the second or Neferu. Henhenet have died during childbirth.
Mwyt, a child at the age of five years was buried with secondary wives of Mentuhotep II. It is not clear whether one of the wives of Mentuhotep itself or one of his daughters.


Mentuhotep is the second to be the first ruler of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. Turin Canon credited him with 51-year rule. Many Egyptologists and long regarded as two of the rock carvings, showing Mentuhotep II towering over the smaller King called "Intef" numbers, to be conclusive evidence that his predecessor Intef third was his father. This is, however, not quite certain, as these reliefs may be other propaganda purposes, and there are other difficulties surrounding the origin of Mentuhotep properly, has three name changes, and repeated attempts to claim descent from various gods.
Painted sandstone seated statue of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II, Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Early reign

When he ascended the throne of Thebes, it inherited second Mentuhotep vast tracts of land occupied by his predecessors from the first waterfall in the south to Abydos and Tjebu in the north. The second Mentuhotep apparently the first four years of the rule would have been peaceful in a good area and there are no traces survivors of the conflict firmly dated to that period. In fact the general scarcity of testimony from the first part of the reign of Mentuhotep I suggest that he was a youth when he ascended the throne, a hypothesis consistent with his 51-year long reign.

Reunification of Egypt

In the 14 year of his reign, it has signed an uprising in the north. This uprising is probably related to the ongoing conflict between the second Mentuhotep based in good 10TH breed and compete based in Herakleopolis who have threatened to attack southern Egypt. The 14 year named prince Mentuhotep in fact a crime years Thinis. This certainly refers to the invasion of the region by kings Thinite Herakleopolitan that seems ancient cemetery desecrated the sacred property of Abydos in the process. Send the second Mentuhotep at a later time his armies to the north. Famous warriors in Deir el-Bahari tomb was discovered in the 1920s, it included bodies wrapped in linen unmummified of 60 soldiers were all killed in battle, and the shroud and the second Mentuhotep cartridges. Due to its proximity to the royal tombs Taiba, believed to be the tomb of warriors to be heroes who died during the conflict between the second Mentuhotep and rivals to the north. Merykara, the governor of Lower Egypt in the time may have been killed during the conflict, which has further weakened his kingdom, and gave Mentuhotep opportunity to reunite Egypt. The exact date when it was to achieve uniformity is unknown, but is assumed to be 39 years ago of his reign had happened soon. In fact, evidence shows that the process took time, maybe due to the general insecurity in the country at the time: buried commoners with weapons, funerary and obelisks officials show them carrying weapons instead of the usual dress code and when Mentuhotep II behind a mission to Puntland about 20 years after unification, they still have to clear the valley of the bathrooms of the rebels.
Cylinder seal of Mentuhotep II, Musée du Louvre .
After unification, and was considered the second Mentuhotep of his subjects to be divine, or half-divine. This was still the case by the end of the 12th dynasty, about 200 years: Senusret III and Amenemhat III erected paintings on the occasion of the opening ceremonies of the mouth. Practiced Mentuhotep II statues

Military activities outside of Egypt

Mentuhotep II launched military campaigns led by the Minister of Khety south to Nubia, which gained independence during the initial transition period, his years in the 29 and the 31 of the judgment. This is the first certified by the emergence of the term for Kush Nubia in Egyptian records. In particular, Mentuhotep garrison on Elephantine Island Castle published so that it can quickly deploy troops in the south. There is also evidence that the military operations against Canaan. King reorganization of the country and put the minister on the administration's head. It was viziers of his reign Baby and Dagi. His treasurer was Kheti who participated in organizing the festival to fill the king. The other important officials Meketre treasurer and supervisor of the stoppers Miro. To Ha'am was Intef.

Reorganization of the government

Throughout the first period simple Until the second Mentuhotep, and nomarchs important powers held throughout Egypt. It was their office to become hereditary through the sixth dynasty of Egypt and the collapse of central authority assured them full freedom to Oradiha.bad unification of Egypt, however, the second Mentuhotep began the central strong policy, and strengthen the governing his authority by creating the positions of governor of Upper Egypt and the governor of Lower Egypt who have the authority local nomarchs.
Mentuhotep's third titulary from his temple of Montu at Tod.
Whenever Mentuhotep based on mobile force of officials from the Royal Court, which is far dominated the acts nomarchs. Finally nomarchs who supported 10TH strain, such as the governor of Assiut, and certainly lost its power to profit from the king. At the same time, the second Mentuhotep began an extensive program of emphasis on the divine nature of the ruler of self-deification.


Mentuhotep II's self deification program is evident from temples he built where he is represented bearing the headgear of Min and Amun. But perhaps the best evidence for this policy is his three titularies: his second Horus and Nebty names were The divine one of the white crown while he is also referred to as the son of Hathor at the end of his reign.
Mentuhotep II changed his titulary twice during his reign: the first time in his 14th regnal year, marking the initial successes of his campaign againstHerakleopolis Magna to the north. The second time on or shortly before his 39th year of reign, marking the final success of that campaign, and his reunification of all of Egypt. More precisely, this second change may have taken place on the occasion of the sed festival celebrated during his 39th year on the throne.
First titulary
Second titulary
Third titulary
Horus name 

"Horus, he who invigorates
the heart of the two lands"

"The divine one of
the white crown"

"He who unifies
the two lands"
Nebty name 

"The divine one of
the white crown"

"He who unifies
the two lands"
Golden Horus name 
N29 G5

"The Golden Falcon,
lofty in plumes"

"The Lord of the
rudder is Re"

"The Lord of the
rudder is Re"
G39 N5
t p

"Montu is satisfied"
t p

"Montu is satisfied"
t p

"Montu is satisfied"
In general, the titularies of Mentuhotep II show a desire to return to the traditions of the Old Kingdom. In particular he adopted the complete five-fold titulary after his reunification of Egypt, seemingly for the first time since the 6th dynasty, though known records are sparse for much of the first intermediary period that preceded him. Another proof that Mentuhotep II paid great attention to the traditions of the Old Kingdom is his second Nomen, sometimes found as
t O49

s3 Hw.t-Hr nb(.t) iwn.t mnTw-Htp
"The son of Hathor, the lady of Dendera, Mentuhotep"
This reference to Hathor rather than Re is similar to the titulary of Pepi I. Finally, in later king lists, Mentuhotep was referred to with a variant of his third titulary


Mentuhotep II commanded the construction of many temples though few survive to this day. Well preserved is a funerary chapel found in 2014 at Abydos. Most of the other temple remains are also located in Upper Egypt, more precisely in Abydos, Aswan, Tod, Armant, Gebelein, Elkab, Karnak and Denderah. In doing so, Mentuhotep followed a tradition started by his grandfather Intef II: royal building activities in the provincial temples of Upper Egypt began under Intef II and lasted throughout the Middle Kingdom.
Mortuary Temple of Mentuhotep II inhieroglyphs

3ḫ-swt-nb-ḥpt-Rˁ AkhsutnebhepetRe
"Transfigured are the places of Nebhepetre"

3ḫ-swt-Jmn Akhsutamun
"Transfigured are the places of Amun"[31]
Mentuhotep-Tempel 01.JPG

Mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II

I Mentuhotep's motuary temple, 1) Bab el-Hosan cache, 2) Lower pillared halls, 3) Upper hall, 4) core building, maybe a pyramid and between 3) and 4) is the ambulatory, 5) Hypostyle Hall, 6) Sanctuary.
Mentuhotep II's most ambitious and innovative building project remains his large mortuary temple. The many architectural innovations of the temple mark a break with the Old Kingdom tradition of pyramid complexes and foreshadow the Temples of Millions of Years of the New Kingdom. As such, Mentuhotep II's temple was certainly a major source of inspiration for the nearby but 550-year later temples ofHatshepsut and Thutmose III.
However, the most profound innovations of Mentuhotep II's temple are not architectural but religious. First, it is the earliest mortuary temple where the king is not just the recipient of offerings but rather enacts ceremonies for the gods (in this case Amun-Ra). Second, the temple identifies the king with Osiris, a local Theban god which grew in importance from the 11th dynasty onwards. Indeed, the decoration and royal statuary of the temple emphasizes the Osirian aspects of the dead ruler, an ideology apparent in the funerary statuary of many later pharaohs.
Finally, most of the temple decoration is the work of local Theban artists. This is evidenced by the dominant artistic style of the temple which represents people with large lips and eyes and thin bodies At the opposite, the refined chapels of Mentuhotep II's wives are certainly due to Memphite craftsmen who were heavily influenced by the standards and conventions of the Old Kingdom. This phenomenon of fragmentation of the artistic styles is observed throughout the first intermediary period and is a direct consequence of the political fragmentation of the country.


The temple is located in the cliff at Deir el-Bahri on the west bank of Thebes. The choice of this location is certainly related to the Theban origin of the 11th dynasty: Mentuhotep's predecessors on the Theban throne are all buried in close-by saff tombs. Furthermore, Mentuhotep may have chosen Deir el-Bahri because it is aligned with the temple of Karnak, on the other side of Nile. In particular, the statue of Amun was brought annually to Deir el-Bahri during the Beautiful Festival of the Valley, something which the king may have perceived as beneficial to this funerary cult. Consequently, and until the construction of the Djeser-Djeseru some five centuries later, Mentuhotep II's temple was the final destination of the barque of Amun during the festival

Discovery and excavations

In the early 19th century, the ruins of the temple of Mentuhotep II were completely covered with debris. They consequently went unnoticed until the second half of the century, in spite of extensive excavations performed on the nearby Djeser-Djeseru of Hatshepsut. Thus it was only in 1859, that Lord Dufferin and his assistants, Dr. Lorange and Cyril C. Graham, started to excavate the southwest corner of the hypostyle hall of Mentuhotep's temple. Clearing the immense mass of debris, they soon discovered the plundered grave of Queen Tem, one of Mentuhotep's wives. Realising the potential of the site, they then gradually worked their way to the sanctuary, where they found the granite altar of Mentuhotep with a representation of Amun-Re and various other finds such as the grave of Neferu TT319. Finally, in 1898, Howard Carter discovered the Bab el-Hosan  cache in the front court, where he uncovered the famous black seated statue of the king.
Cross-section of Mentuhotep II mortuary temple by E. Naville
The next important excavation works took place from 1903 to 1907 under the direction of Henri Édouard Naville, who worked there on behalf of the Egypt Exploration Fund. He was the first to undertake a systematic exploration of the temple. About ten years later, between 1920 and 1931, Herbert E. Winlockfurther excavated the temple for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. However, his results were published only in the form of preliminary reports in summary form. Finally, from 1967 to 1971, Dieter Arnold conducted research on the site on behalf of the German Archaeological Institute. He published his results in three volumes.
Painted sandstone statue of Mentuhotep II wearing theDeshret crown, discovered by H. Winlock.

Foundational offerings

Under the four corners of the temple terrace, H. Winlock discovered four pits during his 1921–1922 excavations. These pits were dug into the ground before the construction of the temple for the purpose of foundation rituals. Indeed, when H. Winlock discovered them, they still contained many offerings: a cattle skull, pitchers and bowls filled with fruits, barley and bread and a mud brick bearing Mentuhotep II's name.
Further excavations of the pits undertaken in 1970 by Dieter Arnold revealed more food offerings such as bread and beef ribs, but also some bronze objects, a faience scepter and sheets of fabric. The sheets were marked in red ink at the corner, seven with the name of Mentuhotep II and three with that of Intef II.


Causeway and courtyard

Similarly to the mortuary complexes of the Old Kingdom, Mentuhotep II's mortuary complex comprised two temples: the high temple of Deir el-Bahri and a valley temple located closer to the Nile on cultivated lands. The valley temple was linked to the high temple by a 1.2 km long and 46 m wide uncovered causeway. The causeway led to a large courtyard in front of the Deir el-Bahri temple.
The courtyard was adorned by a long rectangular flower bed, with fifty-five sycamore and eight tamarisk trees planted in deep pits filled with soil. This is one of the very few archaeologically documented temple-gardens of ancient Egypt that are known enough about to reconstruct its appearance. The maintenance of such a garden more than 1 km from the Nile into the arid desert must have required the constant work of many gardeners and an elaborate irrigation system.
Seated statues of Mentuhotep II next to the causeway
Left and right of the processional walkway were at least 22 seated statues of Mentuhotep II wearing, on the south side, the White Crown of Upper Egypt and on the north side the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. These were probably added to the temple for the celebration of Mentuhotep II's Sed festival during his 39th year on the throne. Some headless sandstone statues are still on site today. Another was discovered in 1921 during Herbert Winlock's excavations and is now on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Front part of the temple

West of the causeway is the main temple, which consisted of two parts. The front part of the temple is dedicated to Monthu-Ra, a merger of the sun god Ra with the Theban god of war Monthu, particularly worshipped during the 11th dynasty. A ramp aligned with the central axis of the temple led to the upper terrace. The ramp that is visible today was constructed in 1905 by Édouard Naville over the remains of the original ramp, which only is visible in two places as the lowest two layers of the lateral limestone cladding. The eastern front part of the temple, on both sides of the rising ramp, consists of two porticos with a double row of rectangular pillars, which make the temple look like a saff tomb, the traditional burial of Mentuhotep II's 11th-dynasty predecessors.
The ruins of the ambulatory
On the temple terrace, a 60-metre-wide, 43-metre-deep and 5-metre-high podium supports the upper hall surrounding an ambulatory and the core building. The ambulatory, separated from the upper hall by a 5-cubit-thick wall, comprised a total of 140 octagonal columns disposed in three rows. For most of these columns, only the base is still visible today.
The courtyard of the ambulatory was completely filled by the core building, a massive 22 m large and 11 m high construction. This edifice, located at the center of the temple complex, was excavated in 1904 and 1905 by Edouard Naville. He reconstructed it as a square structure topped by a small pyramid, a representation of the primeval mount which possibly resembled the superstructures of the royal tombs at Abydos. This reconstruction, supported by H. E. Winlock, was contested by D. Arnold, who argued that, for structural reasons, the temple could not have supported the weight of a small pyramid. Instead, he proposed that the edifice was flat-roofed.
Reconstruction of Mentuhotep II's mortuary temple by Édouard Naville. The presence of a pyramid is debated.

Rear part of the temple

Behind the core edifice was the center of the cult for the deified king. The rear part of the temple was cut directly into the cliff and consisted of an open courtyard, a pillared hall with 82 octagonal columns and a chapel for a statue of the king. This part of the temple was dedicated to Amun-Ra.
The open courtyard is flanked on the north and south sides by a row of five columns and on the east side by a double row totalling sixteen columns. At the center of the open courtyard lies a deep dromos leading to the royal tomb. Archaeological finds in this part of the temple include a limestone altar, a granite stele and six granite statues of Senusret III. To the west, the courtyard leads to the hypostyle hall with its ten rows of eight columns each, plus two additional columns on both sides of the entrance. The hypostyle hall is separated from the courtyard by a wall and, being also higher, is accessed via a small ramp.
On the west end of the hypostyle hall lies the holiest place of the temple, a sanctuary dedicated to Mentuhotep and Amun-Ra leading to a small speos which housed a larger-than-life statue of the king. The sanctuary itself housed a statue of Amun-Re and was surrounded on three sides by walls and on one side by the cliff. The inner and outer faces of these walls were all decorated with painted inscriptions and representations of the kings and gods in high relief.Surviving relief fragments show the deified king surrounded by the chief deities of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nekhbet, Seth, Horus and Wadjet, and on a par with them.[ The gods present the king with bundles of palm branches, the symbol of Millions of Years. This relief is a manifestation of the profound religious changes in the ideology of kingship since the Old Kingdom:
Model of granary from Mentuhotep II's tomb.

Royal tomb

Corridor leading to Mentuhotep II's tomb
As mentioned above, the open courtyard of the rear part of the temple presents a dromos in its center. This dromos, a 150 m long straight corridor, leads down to a large underground chamber 45 m below the court which is undoubtedly the tomb of the king. This chamber is entirely lined with red granite and has a pointed roof. It contained an alabaster chapel in the form of an Upper-Egyptian Per-wer sanctuary. This chapel was once closed by a double door now missing. It contained a wooden coffin and ointment vessels which left traces in the ground. Most of the grave goods that must have been deposited there are long gone as a result of the tomb plundering. The few remaining items were a scepter, several arrows, and a collection of models including ships, granaries and bakeries.


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